Enlightenment is a psychological thriller that explores the life of Lia and Nick, the mother and step-father to Adam, who has been missing for several months. A vague medium and an intrusive ITV producer fail to alleviate their concern, and complications grow when a young man appears at the airport, looking uncannily like Adam, with his passport and amnesia
in tow.
When Adam disappears overseas, all his mother Lia and step-father Nick have is an email saying that he was thinking of going to Jakarta. The first act is the story of their grief, and their search for meaning or confirmation from a silent world. A vague medium and an invasive television producer do nothing to alleviate their harrowing uncertainty, and their hope that every time the phone rings, it might be Adam calling.
Then a young man appears at the airport, looking uncannily like Adam, with his passport and amnesia in tow. As this version of Adam comes to live with Lia and Nick, the play, at first a delicate study of the psychology of loss, unravels into something dark and raw.
As this version of Adam comes to live with Lia and Nick, the play – at first a delicate study of the psychology of loss and grief – unravels into something dark and raw. To be performed from May 9th-11th at 7.30pm at the UEA Drama Studio, Enlightenment is the next performance in a long line of shows by Minotaur Theatre Company, who seek to break boundaries of the arts, and provide thought-provoking, exciting theatre.
Written by acclaimed playwright Shelagh Stephenson and directed by Charlie Douglas & Georgia Crowe, Enlightenment promises to continue Minotaur’s objective of challenging audience’s expectations through this emotional investigation into a grief-stricken family dynamic.
Ticket link: https://store.uea.ac.uk/product-catalogue/uea-drama-studio/drama-studio-theatre/minotaur-productions-presents-enlightenment
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